Friday, October 30, 2009

Competition 2 - the quiz

(well part 1 of this competition anyway)

To give you all something to do whilst we are travelling and getting over jetlag, I've put together a 20 question quiz, the rules of the game say you can't start posting answers until at least Monday morning 9am (Sheffield time) so you might want to take some time to try to get as many as possible before you post. First person to post the correct answer to each question will get the points for that question. You don't have to do the questions in order. The person with most points by 9am Tuesday morning will win the most fabulous prize...
  1. Name this film? "They can die quickly. They can die slowly. But they must die!"
  2. What German village from New Mexico got crazy once and tried to touch the sun?
    (bonus point what is the out of this world connection?)
  3. What is the “Mile High Salute”?
    (bonus: and who popularised it?)
  4. Who decided to call the city “Denver”, why did he choose that name and why didn’t it work?
  5. What is special about Colfax Avenue in Denver?
  6. What 1990 film set at Xmas in (or around!) Washington was actually filmed in Denver?
  7. How did the Denver NBA team get its name?
    (bonus point – name the mascot that went with it)
  8. What is the Denver connection with a six-foot tall imaginary white rabbit?
  9. Where?

  10. What famous Denver was better known as Jesse...and for a while Jack?
  11. What Denver hotel was proclaimed by Elvis as “the best hotel in the world”?
    (bonus: what's weird about its water?)
  12. What does Denver lay claim to inventing with Louis Ballast trademarking the name in 1935?
  13. What?
    (bonus: where was in the UK in 1997?)
  14. Name the film? "A love story about two people who hate each other. 200 years in the future."
    (bonus: what is the Denver connection?)
  15. Denver is the 740th most popular name for boys in the US, what does the name mean?
  16. In August 2008, Denver hosted the National Democratic Convention, when was the last time it was in Denver before that?
  17. Who?

  18. Who designed the 16th Street Mall in Denver?
    (bonus: what famous Paris landmark did they also design?)
  19. Margaret or Maggie when alive, she was better known as Molly after she died, which famous Denver resident didn’t go down with the ship?
  20. In early October, Falcon Heene became Colorado’s famous #balloonboy, but who was #balloonboy2 and why was he in the news?


  1. oops, just realised in randomising the questions I've put one in twice, so I've replaced qu 19 with the one it should have been, sorry!

  2. damn. that means i'm at least 1 answer down. need to pray for more insomnia to boost my potential score...

  3. a few starters for 10 (or however many points they're worth, grovel, grovel):

    1) things to do in denver while you're dead

    3) it's a military style salute to celebrate a touchdown, and was popularised by terrel davis

    4) it was named denver by general william larimer, in an attempt to suck up to kansas territorial governor james denver. but he'd already resigned.

    6 Die Hard 2

    8 mary coyle chase was from denver, and wrote the play harvey gin-fact: there's also a harvey thunderbird lounge (which looks like a very classy joint) and a harvey tire exchange (equally classy) in denver.

    14 sleeper - it was filmed in/around denver

    20 the other balloon boy was charlie castle, a 5 year old from bucks - the queen found a balloon he'd released and wrote to him. or got one of her lackeys to do so.

  4. Fast off the starting blocks there I see gs.. very fast. I always operate best when at a disadvantage.. oh hang on..

  5. great start Liz - ten points! don't give up everyone still another 17 points up for grabs (and that's just part 1 of the quiz)

  6. 7. Nuggets, after gold and silver miners. Mascot is Rocky the Mountain Lion.

    9. Lower Downtown Historic District

    10. Denver Pyle

    11. Brown Palace Hotel, supplies own water from an artesian well.

  7. 6 points for Mary!

    still questions 2, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 to go for....12 points left (my maths last time was rubbish) all to play for

  8. what's that? still some questions left? *opens google + wikipedia, flexes typing muscles*:

    5) colfax avenue (incidentally, if you read the description on wikipedia, it sounds a bit like the one-eleven quarter of sheffield in its character). well, it's 26.1 miles long, which seems silly, and playboy magazine once called it the "longest, wickedest street in america". oh! wait, maybe that's it - is it the longest continuous street in america?

    12) cheeseburger -

    15) denver = green valley [you're making me visit some v strange websites, btw - not sure my pc will ever recover]

    16) 1908

    18) pei cobb freed & partners. they also did the new fangle dangled bit to the louvre in paris.

    i'd better leave a couple for smodge to attempt... :)

  9. Hmm, just the hard ones left now...except 19) Molly Brown, survivor of the Titanic disaster.

  10. 6 more points for Liz and 1 for Mary - there will be fabulous prizes for both of them.

    The 3 remaining questions clearly proving to be toughies (is it cos you can't google a picture??)

    Part 1 of the quiz is now complete but we'll keep the 3 going as part of part 2 of the quiz - there will be a small prize for anyone who can solve any of the remaining 3.

    Clues: 2-musician, 13-band, 17-artist (all, of course with Denver connections)
