Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Competition 3 - edublogugagement

OK - so main conference starts today and therefore it must be time to start another competition. This time let's  see how engagement and competitive spirit fit. Work related comments about the sessions/posts will earn points but also we thought it might be fun for you to set us challenges or tasks (conference related of course as we will be in sessions most of the time) to complete whilst we are here. Points are awarded for the challenges/tasks set with extra points if they are fun/useful/interesting, but beware really hard challenges will result in a forfeit for you.

Reminder of the competitions then:
1 - flickr keyword - still running (rated: easy)
2. quiz part 2 - 3 tricky questions and now you set the questions (rated: medium)
3. edublogugagement - as above, engaging with the conference (rated: hard)

Come on, come along and play ;-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. competition 1. #4 workshop
    competition 2. I made a spreadsheet, got two of them and then got sidetracked - feeble I know.
    competition 3. i'm getting there!

  3. points for Helen (smodge) as soon as I can update, currently immersed in the bryanosphere

  4. ooo, challenges! here goes: post a picture that sums up the word 'bryanosphere'. it can be a picture you've taken yourself, or a link to one (appropriately licensed, of course...) you've found online. extra points will be awarded* if your photo also involves some sort of gin-related element.

    *am i allowed to award points? oh well...

  5. I've got a bit of a challenge - I've already had a good chat with susannah about this, and no- i've not mined the educause site for reasons why - but what's the rationale for using silverlight AND adobe connect for the online side of the conference? And what vibe is there on site about the virtual attendance. Is it easy to ignore, or do the virtual attendees fees as part of the conference for you?

    You get a point if you can work out what I;m asking!!

  6. Are the keywords for the 5th flickr feed:
    "stalking" and "Brian" ?
    and do I get 2 points? :)
