Thursday, November 5, 2009

An Experimental Teaching Space Bound Only by the User's Imagination

Speaker(s): John Arpino, Yianna Vovides, PB Garrett

This session presented a flexible learning space created at the George Washington University. The space incorporates flexible furniture, audio and video equipment and mobile wall-mounted whiteboards. The room can be configured to meet the needs of the users. They use Echo 360 to record sessions and evaluate how the space is being used (links to video recordings are sent to the user). During the session we watched a live feed of somebody who was in the room on the phone to a co-presenter and he walked around the room. This might have worked better if there were actually students in the room rather than one man walking around for five minutes not really knowing what to do with himself. So far, the room has proved to be very popular with staff who like the flexibility of being able to move things around, but they've yet to do a full evaluation. The session focussed on why they decided to create the room and how they advertised it to staff.


  1. Were they always recording in the rooms then? Did people have the option to turn it off? Sounds like it could be quite intrusive if otherwise.

  2. Yes, they recorded every session. I'm not sure if there was an opt out Sorry!
