Thursday, November 5, 2009

Meet the "Free Agent" Learner: Coming to Your Campus Soon! Are You Ready?

This session presented the findings from the 'Speak Up National Research Project'. Since 2003 the project has collected data from 1.3 million K-12 students. Detailed findings from the project can be found at: but here are a few headlines.

• There is a digital disconnect between how teachers use technology and how students expect to use technology
• There is also a gap between how students learn and how they live
• 12 year old students are using the internet to check that their teachers are 'correct' in what they are teaching them - and the teacher don't mind as this enhances their digital literacy skills
• Participants were asked what the number 1 tech tool or service that will impact their learning was. The answer has been the same over every year of the survey regardless of age and every other factor - Personal laptops

The full findings are well worth a read, and perhaps the most interesting thing for me was the differences between tutors and students, maybe something to think about for next years expectations survey. The full presentation can be viewed here: Meet the "Free Agent" Learner: Coming to Your Campus Soon! Are You Ready?


  1. This chimes with a comment from the The Mile-High Twitter Debate yesterday. A student criticized a lecturer, so she went public to invite ideas from colleagues and other educational developers to improve her teaching.
    Increased connectivity can be positive but takes some skill.

  2. points 1 & 2 - go figure - the gap is scary. Teachers need to learn to find even more creative ways to bridge that digital disconnect for themselves - and to stop ignoring it. Does anyone know what kind of digital fluency training or development is invested in our trainee teachers? any uk initiatives designed to address the disconnect?

    more questions than answers as usual.

  3. I saw this presentation and a follow-up one with students at BbWorld this summer. One thing that struck me is that though students think a personal laptop is the tech that would most impact their learning - are they only thinking that as a result of what they see adults having and using? Will it become an iPhone in a couple years?
